Our Approach

At One With Nature Healing Center we believe that the life that you create for yourself is an external expression of your internal beliefs. Therefore, in order for you to build a healthy, peaceful and successful life on the outside, we must first create one on the inside. All of our processes begin with setting clear goals and creating those results by developing clients from the inside out.

Mental & emotional health

Life coaching & counseling at OWNHC provides clients with three step process for building a better life.

Step 1: Recognition

In this step coaches/counselors will assist clients with recognizing the lies and limiting beliefs that are holding them back from building an amazing life. Before you can accomplish career goals, health goals or even relationship goals, you must first do the internal work of developing a greater understanding and relationship with yourself.

Step 2: Reconstruction

In this step, you will begin developing patterns to overcome the limiting beliefs and experience the break throughs that you’ve longed for. These patterns will become habits that you can apply as often as needed for the rest of your life.

Step 3: Results

This step is all about reinforcing your newly adopted patterns and following them into achieving the goals set at the beginning of your process. As you achieve your goals, your coach/counselor will celebrate the highs with you and attack the new challenges that arise by your side.

physical health

Physical training at OWNHC is sourced from the belief that “health is wealth” and provides you a three step process for living a life of physical abundance and overflow

Step 1: Goal

Whether you are receiving individual training, group training or sports specific training, you will not step foot in a session without setting clear goals. The purpose of the goals is to provide a plan and benchmarks that are trackable for accomplishing your desired fitness goals.

Step 2: Grind

Our fitness specialist are responsible for assisting you in accomplishing their goals and you will know how serious they are based on the level of intensity they navigate through sessions with. They will push you to the door of your assumed limitations and motivate you to kick the door down and walk through as if you belong on the other side… because YOU DO!

Step 3: Gainz

The life we live follows a foundational principle of reaping and sowing. As a result of you creating clear goals and actively grinding through your training, you will be planting seeds that will flourish as Gains!!!