Relationship expert & Coach
Carrington travels the world training individuals to pursue and cultivate thriving relationships with the “Source, Self, and Someone Else”.
Carrington Brown
Many of us have big dreams for our lives and the thought of them excites us.
The challenge is that we don't realize that our dreams are evidence of the fact
that we are still asleep. The time is now to wake up from our slumber and put
in the hard work and dedication to turn our dreams into reality.
you deserve it.
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As men we are called to Pastor, Protect, and to Provide, but how is that possible if we have never been provided examples of doing so. Prepared for her takes you through the process that Carrington went through to prepare for his lovely bride. By reading and applying the lessons in this book you will be truly equipped to walk into marriage with confidence and expectation for it to thrive.
Get your copy Now!
One of the biggest mistakes couples make in the beginning of their relationship, is not asking the right questions. Many people dive into relationships, ready to take the next step without truly knowing the character or beliefs of their mate. “Before the Next Step” is a tool for getting to know your potential spouse on a deeper level…before saying “I do”.